Today is my last day in Beijing. It was a great last day. We went to BFSU and had a class lecture about the Chinese Educational System. After the seminar, we went to have lunch at the university. After lunch, we had three hours to go to the hotel, pack our bags and get ready for the Farewell Dinner. The Farewell Dinner was definitely one of the highlights of the Beijing part of the trip because it was like the end of an era. It was the last time that we would really get a chance to hang out with the Beijing hosts. Over the past five days, we grew close to the Beijing hosts. It is going to be very sad to leave them tomorrow.

Professor LI Yongcheng taught a lecture about the Education in China. During this lecture, we found many similarities and differences between the United States and China.
One of the big differences between the two countries is how they value teachers. In China, it is required by law that Chinese teachers get a respectable pay. Becoming a teacher in China is a very respectable career. In the United States, teachers are not paid that much. They are not valued as much as they are in China.
One of the big similarities is that celebrities (such as actors, singers, etc.) are paid a lot of money.
I learned that if I were to go to China with my Mass Media Arts degree, I would be within the top three highest paid professions.
In addition to that, we learned that China studies everything about the United States. This is a difference between the United States and the world. Every person that we met from other countries and people that we have met from China learns about the United States news and studies the English language. Most of the people in the United States do not study other countries' languages or other countries news.
Next, we had lunch at the university. Reginae decided to see if the Beijing hosts wanted to try some snacks from the United States. She had two different kinds of Cheetos (the Flamin Hot Crunchy Cheetos and the Cheetos Puffs) and Sour Patch Kids.
After lunch, we went back to the hotel to pack our bags and get ready for the Farewell Dinner.
Our host for the night: Jepson/Jemson (A Fave and I might be spelling/saying his name wrong, but he truly is a Gem)
The Farewell Dinner was fill of speeches that gave thanks. It was a nice end to time that we shared in Beijing.
We gave gifts to the hosts. They were so happy to have their Clark Atlanta University apparel. It put such a big smile on their faces.
The hosts in Beijing also prepared special gifts for each of us.

The gift that was presented to us was a photo album filled with pictures that were taken throughout our time in Beijing, a BFSU pin and BFSU highlighters.
After we got the gifts and heard the speeches, we ate the food.
On the way back home, our tour guide, Sunny (or Sunni) sang us a song to say goodbye.
Enjoy these two videos that document Geo's struggle with chopsticks at the Farewell Dinner:
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